Meet Ashley. The Novel Mystic.

Teller of Tales Both Mystical and Mundane
Tarot readings and astrology are tools for everyday life. These modalities help us clarify intentions, learn to ask the right questions, and deepen self understanding.
They help us slow down and reflect in the chaos of our modern lives. Tarot cards and astrology connect us in a tangible way to our intuition, both individual and collective.
And the output of this is massive! From sharper insights, honed empathy, loving abundance, and creative prowess, tarot has changed my life.
And it can change yours, too.

Naz K.
Since getting a reading for my birthday from Ashley last year, I am obsessed! The reading covers the main theme of the year and an eerily accurate insights for each month. The reading became an anchor and a point of reflection each month so much so that I couldn't imagine not having it for my new birthday year.
I see getting my annual Tarot reading from Ashley becoming fun and meaningful birthday ritual!
Absolutely go for it!
Kevin S.
This was my first "Year Ahead" tarot reading and Ashley nailed it! With every passing month, I returned to the reading for reflection and to see what the future may hold. Can't wait for next year's reading!
Nicole C.
Ashley's readings are honest, kind, and gentle. They not only guide you to your answer but also help you take ACTION. To listen to your intuition. To break out of unhealthy cycles.
When you do a reading for yourself, it's easy to ignore what your guides are telling you and interpret the cards how you WANT them to read. Getting a reading from Ashley stops you from blocking yourself.
Samira I.
It's uncanny how much Ashley's reading resonated with me. When I first received my forecast for the year ahead most of the messages were a total mystery. But as each month arrived something in my life would happen that would turn on a little light bulb.... THIS was what the cards were telling me! The moment I made the connection (and I always did) I immediately returned to Ashley's words for guidance. I felt so supported, especially during challenging times. It was like have a light shine on the path ahead of me—I didn't need to feel around in the dark, confused. Exactly what was meant for me was finally happening and I could embrace it, changes and all. (And yes, I did share most of my reading with friends and family who were also shocked at how accurately it had played out!)
Hear It from Them
Here are a few kind words past querents have to say about their 1:1 tarot readings with me. Whether you're looking for guidance ahead of a big decision, treating yourself to a birthday gift, or confirming a feeling you weren't ready to admit, tarot readings are a great way to get to know yourself in a deeper way. Plus, they can be super fun!
My Why
In a life full of change and tumult, stories have always been my solid ground. For over a decade, it has been my dream to be a part of that solid ground for others.
As a child of divorce and a survivor of intimate partner abuse, I know that the lasting trauma that comes from the people we love most can be the hardest to get over. The boundaries we must learn to draw, the ties we must sever, and the truths we must speak are a constant source of emotional challenge.
But in the midst of challenge, instability, and abuse, still, we find laughter. Still, we seek magic. Still, we rise. That lightness and humor with a touch of magic creates the shape and texture for all of my stories.
And it is my hope that I’ll help other women rise up and find their strength, too. Whether it’s the strength to pursue their dreams, leave their abuser, or simply speak their mind.